Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Life keeps moving......

I had these great aspirations to take pictures and blog through this whole process.  I failed to realize how exhausting the process would be and how busy we would be.  We would be busy anyway as our travel schedule has been very unusually active.  Since we started working on the house in February we have been to Florida on business, California to spend time with family and Texas to see friends.  Add to that Aaron is playing in two golf tours right now.  Golf is his passion and it is our priority to participate with him.  College girl moved out of the dorm and into a subleased apartment for the summer so she can keep her job on campus and attend summer school.  We have made it a priority not to let the house keep us from doing, going and being with our kids.  So...... what that means is that progress still happens on the house because time is money..... but it happens during the week into the wee hours of the night sometimes.  I walk out of the house at night exhausted and only remember about pictures and blogging when I wake up in the morning.  The bathroom floors are done.  The new shower is tiled.  The new bathroom walls are painted.  This week we are working on putting the innards and doors on the kitchen cabinets for countertops to be installed.  New sidewalks are being poured and life goes on........ Oh--and we both still go to work every day :-)
Golfing with Aaron
Visiting friends in Texas
Spending time with family in Lake Tahoe
Orlando on business

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Very few posts.....

......does not mean lack of progress.  Actually, the progress is coming along well.  It's a problem when I'm too busy and/or too tired to remember to post or take pictures. 

The front door has taken hours and I'm still not happy with it.  It had layers and layers of paint and varnish that it took days and several cans of stripper to get off.  It came off and the outside looks great, but the inside has seen some damage.  After I've spent so much time on it I'm just going to leave it and call it "character".

We got the first bathroom floor done and the kitchen painted.  The new windows are all trimmed out and looking good.  This weeks agenda is second bathroom floor and finish installing cabinets.....